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You'll love training with this innovative push-board that guides you during your entire sculpting workout. It's the perfect solution for honing your upper body strength and getting the ripped physique you've always wanted. Plus, it engages your core!
When you combine using the Push-Up Board with a cardio program you will get the results you desire in as little as 10-weeks!
In just 30 minutes a day, you'll start to develop muscles and build up your strength while burning calories.
Delivery time approximately 5 to 7 days for US addresses.
5 reviews
Leroy Johnson
Verified purchase
I really don't like going to the gym and this board has made it so I don't have too! I've been completing my strength training exercises from home and after 10 weeks I can honestly say I have met my first goal.
Sandra F.
Verified purchase
Wow! Does this push-up board ever work your upper body out! I'm seeing clear definition in my triceps and biceps that I thought I'd never see!
Walter B.
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If you are dedicated to using this push-board every day, you'll get the results that you are looking for. I'm training for a body building show and this board is truly helping me to meet my goals.
Fay Wilson
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When you combine cardio and a well-balanced diet with this board you have a solid program. I really enjoy how the board uses your own body as a workout mechanism. It's wonderful and so much better than paying costly gym memberships.
Mike Dobson
Verified purchase
Awhile back my health was in really poor shape. I knew I needed to make some changes and they needed to be made FAST. This board was one of the first things I started incorporating into my new healthy routine. My upper body has never looked better!